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Welcome to ServerConfig/2
Welcome! ServerConfig/2 is a set of OS/2 configuration utils for the Apache web server, the InetPowerServer multiprotocol system and the IBM TCP/IP Firewall for OS/2.
Version 1.9 is the latest release. Since version 1.6 ServerConfig/2 is NOT one program, it has been split in three different programs, which can be installed separetly. This improves performance and future development. Please read the included help for news and a list of changes.
Apache Features: Remote tcpip configuration, support for all the default directives, remote shutdown/reset, full VirtualHost support and more.
InetPowerServer Features: Support for the latest 0.85 config options, full editing of user files, stats report, autogenerate passwords and more.
IBM TCP/IP Firewall Features: Support for all the rule options, full editing of the rules file, config reports and many more.
Here is a screen shot of ServerConfig/2.
Latest stable version: ServerConfig/2 v1.9
Updated : AUG 31 2001
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